Réf. WB1098
On order, delay 3 to days, subject to availability from the supplier. Complete food for adult dogs with a high meat content, many vitamins and minerals and natural probiotics.
Free of flavor enhancers, chemical dyes and artificial preservatives, industrial sugar, soy or cereals.
Suitable for allergy sufferers.
Description :
Composition: Australisches Black Angus Rindfleisch 25%, getrocknetes Wasserbüffelfleisch, 16%,Süsskartoffeln, Bananen, Kartoffeln, Black Angus Rinderfett 7%, Kürbis 5%, Moringa 3%, Kichererbsen, Erbsenprotein, Mineralstoffe, Bete, Jerusalem Artichoke, Pastinaken, Quinoa, Petersilie, Spinat, Kaktusfeige, Möhren, Thymian, Majoran, Oregano, Salbei, Brombeeren 0.1%,Himbeeren 0.1%, Heidelbeeren 0.1%, Schwarze Johannisbeeren, Holunderbeeren, Aroniabeeren, Papaya, Leinsamen, Tomaten, Brennnessel, Weissdorn, Löwenzahn, Ginseng
Ingredients:Vitamin A (als Retinylacetat) 21,871 IE, Vitamin D3 (als Cholecalciferol) 1,471 IE, Vitamin E (als all-rac-alpha-Tocopherylacetat) 710 mg.
Spurenelemente: Eisen (als Eisen(II)-sulfate, Monohydrate und Eisen(II)-Aminosäurenchelat, Hydrat) 95 mg,Zink (als Zinksulfat, Monohydrat und Aminosäuren-Zinkchelat, Hydrat) 150 mg, Mangan (als Mangan(II)-sulfate, Monohydrat) 36 mg, Kupfer (als Kupfer(II) -sulfate, Pentahydrate und Aminosäuren-Kupfer(II)-chelate, Hydrate) 15 mg, Jod (als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei) 0.96 mg, Selen (als Natriumselenit) 0.23 mg.
Aminosäuren: DL-Methionin 2.126 mg, Taurine 1.050 mg,L-Carnitin 82 mgin the Rocky Mountains of North America, the Arctic tundra, the mountains and forests of Europe to the deserts and steppes of Central Asia, wolves hunt their prey. They supply them with meat and offal rich in nutrients, but also with vegetables, fruits, berries, roots and herbs via the contents of their prey's stomach. Cereals are not one of them. The wolf thus receives the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and secondary plant substances that it needs. As the wolf is the ancestor of all dogs, our Wolfsblut dry dog food is based on these natural wolf eating habits. It contains a lot of meat or fish combined with superfoods that contain valuable ingredients - and all this as in nature, without any cereals. Our selection of exceptional meats and nutrient-rich superfoods is based on the wolf's habitat and its dietary diversity. Wolfsblut offers each dog an original diet adapted to its species and, thanks to the diversity of its varieties, everyone can find something for themselves. The recipe from Down Under Adult combines wolf food with the latest scientific knowledge in terms of correct canine feeding.
The different ingredients of DOWN UNDER ADULT have been developed in collaboration with veterinarians, based on the natural diet of the wolf and knowledge about the holistic diet of dogs. Wolfsblut's croquettes are thus unique in their kind.